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MIC Monthly Meditation: Sep 8 at 5:30 PM

Writer's picture: Sidharth KawSidharth Kaw

Join the Marin Interfaith Council as NBHC's Sidharth Kaw leads their monthly meditation on

Wednesday, September 8 from 5:30 - 6:30 PM

Title: Finding One's Self

Dharmic faiths - Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism - have their spiritual practices rooted in dhyāna, the Sanskrit word for meditation or contemplation. The practice itself has stretched across Asia to varying religions by different names - dhyāna (Sanskrit), jhāna (Pāli), chán (Chinese) and zen (Japanese). Although it can be translated many ways, dharma is the essence of our true nature. The goal of Hinduism, accurately referred to as Sanātana Dharma (eternal dharma), is to realize our true nature.

This "self enlightenment" is referred to as moksha and by default, is the goal of meditation. 'Finding One's Self' is an illustrative title that describes the purpose of this meditation session, and in fact, the purpose of our existence. In a short period of time, we will summarize a pathway that stretches many lifetimes. Our awareness will shift from the body to the mind and intellect, and take a glimpse towards the ultimate goal of moksha. Whether you are deciding to cross your legs vs. sit on a chair, or having a hard time getting distracted by thoughts or hitting a spiritual plateau, this practice can be universally applied to suit your needs. Join us on this path to finding one's self.

Join the online meditation with video or phone:

Join Zoom Meeting:

From your mobile phone, tap on the following:


From a Landline:

dial: +1 669 900 6833

If prompted, enter the Meeting ID, which is 828 9913 4951, followed by #.

Password: 215699

If you have not used Zoom before, you may need to download an app to do so. You can use either your phone or your computer. Go to to download the app if needed.

Click HERE for more info on how to use Zoom or to read Zoom etiquette.

Cost: Love Offering - feel free to make a donation to MIC online HERE or you may mail in a check to the office if you are so moved.

Every second Wednesday of the month, a leader from a different spiritual community will offer a meditation or spiritual practice and explain how it flows from the basic tenets of his/her faith tradition. Each gathering will include time for questions and insights that emerge from our shared time of intentional spiritual practice.

This month our leader is:

Sidharth Kaw

North Bay Hindu Center

Sidharth Kaw lives and practices Sanātana Dharma (i.e. Hinduism), with an emphasis on applying the philosophy of Vedanta (i.e. the universal philosophy in the Vedas) to our daily lives. Sidharth has served as a teacher and committee member in various capacities for Chinmaya Mission in the Bay Area and Cleveland, Ohio, and currently serves as a committee member for the North Bay Hindu Center. He has been actively involved in the 'Contemplation and Action' and 'Racial Justice' groups for the Marin Interfaith Council. Living in Marin County, Sidharth seeks to enrich the greater community with the knowledge of Sanātana Dharma.

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