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Blue Skies
Durga Statue

Śrī Shakti Temple OPEN EVERY SAT and SUN
from 5:30 TO 7:30 PM 

Phase 1 Rental Complete

Help us raise funds for the next phases by making a One Time Donation or better yet by becoming a Recurring Donor. We appreciate your support.
Festival of Color

Interested in Bala Vihar + Adult
religious + cultural classes?
Fill out this survey!

Ganesh Pooja

NBHC is collecting ideas to formulate next steps 

Click here to share your ideas, or your offer to volunteer. NBHC plans to come directly to the community with your feedback and work together on a path forward


What does it mean to be Hindu?
What is the history of Hinduism in America?
How do we reclaim our identity?


This talk leads up to the ultimate resolve moving forward, which is to reclaim our Hindu identity and outlines a foundation to achieve this.


Ultimately, the goal is take this diverse knowledge, apply it practically to our lives and move forward with a unified vision of Hinduism. Watch the first session above.


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